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Practical advice to guide you through a complex process

In these challenging times it is more important than ever to plan for any lease renewal.

We provide practical advice to guide you through what can be a complex process. If it is your intention to renew your lease(s) we will assist you in establishing the strength of your negotiating position.

This will be dependent on a number of legal considerations which are also likely to dictate the processes you need to go through to protect your right of renewal.
As leading experts in the leisure property sector we are fully conversant with the market. We are privy to the lease terms,  rents and incentive packages being agreed on current open market lettings. We can negotiate terms for a new lease on your behalf with the confidence that we will achieve the best possible terms.

We can also represent you in any court proceeding as Duncan Lillie is an experienced expert witness giving evidence in both writing and in person.

Duncan Lillie


lease renewals

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The arrival of Covid 19, and its impact on the economy, has resulted in turnover rents gaining renewed popularity amongst tenants. Currently when it comes to renewing a lease the inclusion of a turnover rent is only likely to occur through a negotiated settlement. Theoretically, the courts can find in favour of a turnover rent although in practise this is unlikely.

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Over 40 years’ experience
Former chairman of RPAS
Regulated by RICS
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